Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cocktail Party

To celebrate our newest large piece of furniture, a 1970s home bar made from barrels, we threw a cocktail party and even hired a bartender—a former student of Mr. Flossie's. Nate made these wonderful neon-green drinks called Jamaican ten-speeds. Here's a blurry picture of the festivities:
Veg catered these amazing vegan cupcakes:

I made Martha Stewart's limeade—put a cup of water and a cup of sugar in a saucepan, bring to boil and stir to combine, let cool, squeeze a cup of lime juice, combine sugar-water and lime juice in a pitcher with a quart of seltzer, serve over ice. I hear that you can make margaritas by substituting two cups of tequila for the seltzer, but I'm sure I wouldn't know anything about that. Ahem.

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