Sunday, July 6, 2008

How Disgusting Is Your House?

Martin, erstwhile Best Intern Ever, alerted me to this TV show: How Clean Is Your House? I Tivo-ed it because I thought it might provide some tips I could use, like a Real Simple magazine in TV show form, but it's oh so much better than that. It's a gross-out fest.

The pattern is: two British S/M mavens scrape up goo from the floor and berate the homeowners, and then clean their house. The first show Mr. Flossie and I saw, at first I was saying, "Yeah, I grew up in a house like that," and he was saying, "Yeah, me too," and then as we watched further we were both like, "EWWWWW!" We didn't know how good we had it. The featured couple had seven children and did not appear to have cleaned AT ALL since the first was born. And then after the house had been cleaned from top to bottom, they were all casual, like "sure, there's more space to move around now, I guess," and you know they're totally going back to their slovenly ways.

Speaking of guilty pleasure TV, the reason it has taken me two hours to write this post is that Mr. F is over on the other couch watching VH1's nostalgia show "I Love the New Millennium." Geez, why does 2006 seem so dated already?

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