Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jobs, Oven Mitts, Etc.

I haven't forgotten about the 100 Things/1001 Days list I made back in February. I'm happy to say that I've checked off #2: Get a job.

It didn't come as a complete surprise: I've been trying to get a job for several years. Specifically, I've been trying to get the job I was doing. I wanted to be upgraded from Grad Student Research Assistant Peon to Full-Time Staff with Benefits. After some arm-twisting, and to my great surprise, I got it.

So I started my "new" job yesterday. Same office, same computer, same chair. But much more emotional investment thanks to the 403(b) and vacation days.

P.S. It's hard to find an illustration for my job (pencils? Chicago Manual of Style?), so the picture is because I also checked off #83: Get a new oven mitt. I know, I'm going crazy with my salary increase.

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